Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Admission Trustline! By clicking on the ‘SIGNUP’ option, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions governing your use of our services.

Acceptance of this Agreement

Agreement Acceptance: By signing up, you agree to all the obligations, representations, warranties, and agreements in this Agreement. If you do not agree, you cannot proceed to use our Services.

Usage of Services

License: You are granted a limited, non-transferable license to use our website, services, and course materials for personal, non-commercial use related to your enrolled certification training course.

Usage Restrictions: You may not reproduce, transmit, distribute, or prepare derivative works of the course materials without our prior written consent.

Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership: We retain all intellectual property rights to our website, services, and course materials. This Agreement does not transfer any ownership rights to you.

Usage of Personal Information

Usage: We may feature your picture in promotional materials and use your personal information to inform you about other courses. Your information will not be shared with third-party marketing databases.

Limitation of Liability

Disclaimer: We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to our website or services, and we are not liable for any damages arising from their use.

Term and Termination

Effective Date: This Agreement is effective upon your acceptance and remains in effect until termination.

Termination: We may terminate this Agreement immediately in case of misrepresentation, default, misconduct, or breach by you.


Indemnification: You agree to indemnify us against any claims arising from unauthorized use of our services or breach of this Agreement.

Amendment and Assignment

Changes: We may amend this Agreement without prior notice and will publish revised terms on our website.

Assignment: You may not assign this Agreement or its obligations to third parties.

By signing up, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.